Peter C. Merkle

VP Office Brokerage

605 S Front Street, Suite 200 | Columbus, Ohio 43215

Columbus, Ohio 43215

614-629-5240 office | 614-218-3520 mobile

614-218-3520 mobile

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Investment Sales
Office Sales and Leasing
Urban Infill Development
Adaptive Reuse


Kaydee Hurst
(614) 629-5226

Peter has been with Ohio Equities for over 20 years. Over the course of his time at Ohio Equities, he has enjoyed working with numerous local, 区域和国家公司在场地收购和处置以及租户搬迁. 彼得一直密切关注新兴市场的趋势,总是把客户的利益放在心上. 在营销过程中使用创新技术和创造性的交易方法是彼得业务的基石.

Why did you decide to get into Commercial Real Estate?

我父亲是一名房地产经纪人,从事这一行快40年了. Having grown up around real estate, 我总是着迷于市场的潮起潮落. 这仍然是一份有趣的工作,因为我与许多客户建立了关系. Many of them I now consider personal friends.

Why did you decide to make Columbus your home?

我在其他城市生活过一段时间,包括亚利桑那州的图森,我非常喜欢那里. 最终,对我来说,最重要的是与我的家人亲近,他们主要住在哥伦布.

What is your favorite neighborhood of Columbus?

纽约市有很多独特而有趣的社区,但我最喜欢的是, and the one I call home, is Grandview. 能够步行到美景大道及其商店和餐馆, 紧密的社区和优秀的学校只是让生活在那里真的很棒的几件事. 我真的被宠坏了,拥有所有这些东西,而且上班的通勤时间通常不到10分钟.

Where do you like to vacation?

有很多地方,但密歇根州北部的普拉特湖有一个特殊的地方,因为我小时候在那里度过了大部分的夏天. 我也在离那儿不远的一个叫利兰的小镇结了婚, Michigan so, to me, 北密歇根的夏季是最好不过的了.

What is a favorite pastime you enjoy?

我喜欢任何现场音乐表演,尤其是在我妻子凯蒂的陪伴下. 我还喜欢每年去布鲁尔县猎野鸡, South Dakota with my father and brother.

Who are your favorite sports teams?


What is your favorite hidden gem in Columbus?

德国村的棕色袋子熟食店——他们做的三明治是镇上最好的,老板, Molly, always greets you with a smile. The BEST.

Case Studies


Caterina Ltd.

“我们聘请了naih,特别是Phil Bird和Peter Merkle,因为他们是业内人士推荐的,他们从之前的交易和声誉中认识他们,因为他们对我们历史街区,特别是我们建筑的独特性的理解给我们留下了深刻的印象. Within two days of the posting, 菲尔进行了实地考察,第三天他得到了一个非常接近我们要价的报价. We had a deal with the buyer in 5 days. Phil Bird stayed on top of this, 与评估师合作,以实现一个知情的评估, 定期通知我方交易的进展情况, 以及专业地处理别人投来的弧线球. 对于NAI在我们的商业物业销售中为我们所做的出色工作,我们再怎么赞扬也不为过. Job well done!"

Catherine Adams, former owner


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BA, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
The Ohio State University, 2002


Athletic Club of Columbus
The Quechee Club, Quechee, Vermont
CrossFit Grandview
Grandview Barbell Club
Scioto Country Club

Community Involvement


Honors and Awards
